McDermott got into the conjuring business by accident. You’re an active part of the process of things going in your favor.”

“It’s no different than when people pray for things, or wish for things. At The Conjure Shop, you can get specific help with an issue, whether it’s a money candle or a full reading.
She said it’s not like walking in to other spiritual shops, where there are a lot of things that say they’re for certain purposes but the layperson won’t know exactly how to use them. McDermott describes her establishment as a “working” shop. Then the person writes what they want to accomplish on a piece of paper and puts it under the candle, which then needs to burn for a little while every day. She then puts a blessing or a prayer on it. Fixing a candle involves her mixing specific herbs and oils together and putting them in the candle. If they have put in the work, McDermott will “fix” them a candle. “Just because you light a candle, someone’s not magically going to go, ‘Perfect.

Have they filled out the applications, forms and paperwork required to do those things. For example, McDermott said if a person is looking for a new job, or trying to get a promotion, the first thing she asks is if they’ve done what they need to do. They think conjuring can instantly solve problems. When I spoke with shop owner Nikki McDermott, she said a lot of people have that same misconception. I hadn’t thought about those dolls in years, until I saw them in the little boxes they’re packaged in at The Conjure Shop on 75th Street in Omaha.